10 DIY Turmeric Face Packs, Benefits and Side Effects

10 DIY Turmeric Face Packs, Benefits and Side Effects

Authored by : Shreya Dalela
  • 20 November 2023
  • 8 mins read

Turmeric does more than add flavour and colour to dishes; it's also a beauty secret for radiant skin. Brides in India use it for a wedding day glow, and scientists say it helps keep skin looking young. 
In this post, we step into the radiant world of turmeric face packs and learn how to make this spice a part of your beauty routine

Read - Top 6 Turmeric Benefits for Skin & How To Use It?

Benefits of Turmeric Face Packs

Turmeric has been a staple in India for over 2500 years, earning the name 'Indian Saffron' thanks to its deep yellow-orange tint. 

The secret to its benefits is curcumin, a powerful ingredient that helps reduce inflammation and shield the skin from harm. In this section, let’s explore how turmeric (haldi) face packs benefit the skin.

1. Anti-Inflammatory Properties: 

Turmeric contains curcumin, a potent anti-inflammatory compound that helps reduce redness and calm skin conditions like eczema and rosacea.

2. Acne Control: 

Thanks to its antibacterial properties, turmeric is effective in battling acne-causing bacteria. It can help reduce breakouts and also soothe the skin, minimizing the appearance of acne scars.

3. Brightening Effect: 

Regular use of turmeric face packs can lead to a noticeable glow. Turmeric is known for its ability to even out skin tone and diminish pigmentation, giving the skin a brighter complexion.

4. Anti-Aging Benefits: 

Curcumin in turmeric packs a punch against free radicals which contribute to aging. It helps in reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, promoting a more youthful look.

What experts say - 

"I recommend turmeric for clients looking for a natural approach to skincare. Its ability to enhance collagen production is a boon for those seeking anti-aging solutions without harsh chemicals." - Dr Aruna Purohit

5. Exfoliation: 

When mixed with ingredients like gram flour or oatmeal, turmeric face packs can gently exfoliate the skin, removing dead skin cells and revealing a fresher, smoother surface.

6. Healing Properties: 

Turmeric has been used for centuries to heal wounds and scars. Its natural antiseptic properties make it excellent for healing and improving the overall health of the skin.

7. Oil Regulation: 

For those with oily skin, turmeric can help regulate the production of sebum. Mixed with ingredients like lemon juice or yogurt, it can balance the skin's natural oils.

8. Sun Damage Repair: 

Turmeric can help diminish the damage caused by harmful UV rays. Its antioxidant properties fight off free radicals caused by sun exposure, aiding in the skin's recovery process.

9. Improves Skin Elasticity:

The antioxidants in turmeric also contribute to maintaining the skin's elasticity, making it firmer and preventing sagging.

10. Soothing Effects: 

Turmeric face packs can have a soothing effect on the skin, which is particularly beneficial after procedures like hair removal or when the skin is irritated.

Best DIY Turmeric Face Packs

Did you know that turmeric can be mixed with different ingredients to suit oily, dry, or sensitive skin types? 

In this section, we'll explore how haldi face packs can be tailored to benefit your skin's specific needs and how this ancient spice continues to be a go-to for healthy, glowing skin.

1. Turmeric and Honey Face Pack for Acne-Prone Skin

  • Ingredients: 1 teaspoon turmeric powder, 1 tablespoon honey.
  • How to Prepare: Mix the turmeric powder and honey until you get a smooth paste.
  • Why It Works: Turmeric's anti-inflammatory properties help reduce redness and swelling associated with acne, while honey's natural antibacterial and soothing qualities can assist in healing and preventing further breakouts.

2. Turmeric, Besan and Curd Face Pack for Oily Skin

  • Ingredients: 1 teaspoon turmeric powder, 1 tablespoon curd, 1 tablespoon gram flour.
  • How to Prepare: Combine all ingredients to form a paste. Adjust the lemon juice and gram flour to get the right consistency.
  • Why It Works: Gram flour helps absorb excess sebum. Turmeric adds an antimicrobial effect, helping to keep pores clean.

3. Turmeric and Milk Cream Face Pack for Dry Skin

  • Ingredients: 1 teaspoon turmeric powder, 1 tablespoon milk cream (or full-fat yogurt).
  • How to Prepare: Blend the turmeric powder with milk cream to create a thick paste.
  • Why It Works: Milk cream provides deep hydration, thanks to its fat content, while turmeric offers its anti-inflammatory benefits without drying out the skin.

4. Turmeric and Oatmeal Face Pack for Dull Skin

  • Ingredients: 1 teaspoon turmeric powder, 1 tablespoon oatmeal, water (as needed).
  • How to Prepare: Mix turmeric with oatmeal and add just enough water to form a paste. Let the oatmeal soften for a few minutes before applying.
  • Why It Works: Oatmeal gently exfoliates dead skin cells to reveal brighter skin underneath, while turmeric provides its brightening effects, giving the skin a natural glow.

5. Turmeric and Aloe Vera Face Pack for Sensitive Skin

  • Ingredients: 1 teaspoon turmeric powder, 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel.
  • How to Prepare: Combine the turmeric powder with aloe vera gel until you have a consistent paste.
  • Why It Works: Aloe vera is known for its cooling and soothing properties, making it ideal for sensitive skin. Turmeric complements this by offering a gentle treatment to reduce inflammation without irritation.

6. Turmeric and Milk For Tanning and Pigmentation

  • Ingredients: 1 teaspoon milk, 1/2-1 teaspoon turmeric powder.
  • How to Prepare: Stir the milk and turmeric powder in a bowl until you get a smooth paste.
  • Why It Works: Milk is known for its skin-nourishing properties and can help lighten tan and pigmentation, while turmeric's anti-inflammatory qualities work to even out skin tone.

7. Turmeric and Avocado For Skin Repair:

  • Ingredients: 1 mashed avocado, 1 teaspoon turmeric, 1 teaspoon yogurt.
  • How to Prepare: Combine the mashed avocado, turmeric, and yogurt to form a paste.
  • Why It Works: Avocado is rich in fatty acids and vitamins that rejuvenate the skin, while yogurt's lactic acid aids in gentle exfoliation. Turmeric enhances the healing with its curative properties.

8. Turmeric and Sugarcane Juice For Wrinkle Repair:

  • Ingredients: Sugarcane juice in proportion with turmeric powder.
  • How to Prepare: Mix the sugarcane juice with turmeric powder to create a paste.
  • Why It Works: Sugarcane juice is rich in alpha-hydroxy acids, which have anti-aging properties. Turmeric complements this by helping to firm and tone the skin.

9. Turmeric and Multani Mitti For a Brighter Complexion:

  • Ingredients: 1 teaspoon Multani mitti (Fuller's earth), 1 teaspoon curd, 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder.
  • How to Prepare: Mix the Multani mitti, curd, and turmeric powder. Add a few drops of rose water for extra hydration and to form a smooth paste.
  • Why It Works: Multani mitti has a cooling effect and helps reduce scars and lighten the skin tone by drawing out toxins. Curd provides a mild bleaching effect, and turmeric adds its natural glow-enhancing properties.

We recommend Suvarna Haldi Chandan face pack is crafted with a 100% natural blend of purifying Haldi (Turmeric), soothing Chandan (Sandalwood) and Multani Mitti. 

Read - 10 Best DIY Homemade Face Pack for Glowing Skin

10. Turmeric and Olive Oil For Moisturization:

  • Ingredients: 1 teaspoon turmeric powder, 1 teaspoon olive oil.
  • How to Prepare: Mix the turmeric powder with olive oil to form a smooth paste.
  • Why It Works: Olive oil is rich in antioxidants and squalene, which hydrate the skin and fight free radicals that cause aging. Turmeric supports this with its own antioxidant properties, helping to maintain skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of fine lines.

Potential Side Effects of Turmeric for Face

While Turmeric (haldi) is celebrated for its benefits, it's also important to be aware of its potential side effects when used on the face.

What experts say -

"Always remember that natural doesn't mean non-reactive. Turmeric is powerful, and like any ingredient, it should be used with care and respect for your skin's limits." - Dr Kanchan Kachroo

  • Skin Staining: One of the most common side effects of using turmeric is temporary staining of the skin. Turmeric's vibrant color can leave a yellowish tint, especially on fairer skin tones.
  • Allergic Reactions: Some individuals may experience allergic reactions to turmeric, such as redness, itching, or swelling. It's always recommended to do a patch test before applying turmeric to your face.
  • Dryness: Turmeric can be drying for some skin types. If you have dry skin, it's important to mix turmeric with hydrating ingredients and follow up with a good moisturizer.
  • Contact Dermatitis: Prolonged use of turmeric face packs can lead to contact dermatitis in some people, characterized by rash, itchiness, or blisters.
  • Photosensitivity: Turmeric can make your skin more sensitive to the sun. It's advisable to use sunscreen to protect your skin from UV rays after using turmeric face packs.
  • Interference with Medications: Turmeric has a high concentration of curcumin, which can interfere with certain medications, including blood thinners and diabetes medication. Consult with a healthcare provider if you're on any medications.

Remember, while turmeric has many potential benefits for the skin, it's crucial to use it correctly and be mindful of how your skin reacts to it. If you experience any adverse effects, discontinue use and consult a dermatologist.

FAQ: Turmeric Face Packs

Can I Use a Turmeric Face Pack Daily? 

It's generally safe to use a turmeric face pack a few times a week, but using it daily might be too much for your skin, especially if you have sensitive skin. It's important to listen to your skin's needs and adjust accordingly.

How Long Should I Keep Turmeric on My Face? 

For most turmeric face packs, 10-20 minutes is sufficient. Keeping it on for longer can cause the turmeric to stain your skin yellow, which is temporary but can be inconvenient.

What Happens if We Put Turmeric on Face? 

Applying turmeric to your face can provide multiple benefits: it can help reduce inflammation, combat acne, lighten hyperpigmentation, and give your skin a natural glow. However, it's important to perform a patch test first to ensure you don't have an allergic reaction.

Does Turmeric Help Hyperpigmentation? 

Yes, turmeric has been shown to help lighten hyperpigmentation. The curcumin in turmeric has skin-brightening properties and can help even out skin tone over time with regular use.

Is Turmeric Good for Skin Whitening? 

Turmeric doesn't whiten skin, but it can help lighten dark spots and improve overall skin complexion for a brighter, more even skin tone. It's more about enhancing your natural skin color rather than whitening.

About the Author
Shreya Dalela
Shreya Dalela

Shreya Dalela is a certified Yoga instructor and a professional dancer trained at The Danceworx. She’s passionate about Ayurveda and holistic living with over 6 years of experience in doing extensive research and content creation in the domain.

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